May 25, 26 & 27, 2024

93rd Annual
Snohomish County Amateur Championship
MAY 25, 26 & 27, 2024
Host Courses
Rd 1 - May 25 at Mill Creek CC
Rd 2 - May 26 at Legion Memorial GC
Rd 3 - May 27 at Everett Golf & CC
54-hole Individual Stroke Play Competition. Three (18) hole rounds played over 3 days.
The Snohomish County Amateur is limited to Amateur Golfers who are in good standing of a Snohomish County Golf Club with an active GHIN Number and Handicap Index. No exceptions will be made to this entry condition including players requesting to compete in Flight 1 as a scratch handicap.
Click here for a list of eligible Golf Clubs in Snohomish County - Players must be a member of one these Clubs to compete. Golf Leagues (for example Boeing or Pacific Golf Series) and Internet Based Handicap Leagues are not acceptable. There are no age restrictions. There is no requirement of player's residence being in Snohomish County.
There are no restrictions to Gender. All registered players will play from the same set of Tees for the Flight they are in.
Entry Fee
Adults - $325
Juniors - $300 Junior Price is for ages 17 years old or younger as of May 25, 2024.
Handicap Limit
15.0 is the maximum handicap index. 15.1 to 18.0 Index may be accepted dependent on the field size and will be reduced to 15.0 to meet the maximum. This has been decreased due to the amount of players in the Field with a 9.9 Handicap Index or less.
Handicap Index as of May 15, 2024 will be used for the duration of the tournament.
Field Limit
120 players
Entry Deadline
Monday, May 20th at 1:00pm. Late entries may be accepted and placed on an alternate's list to fill spots if they become available.
Player Flights
3 Flights based on Handicap Index. Due to the amount of players that register with low handicaps, Flight 1 may have more players.
Example Flight Breakdown:
Flight 1: 4.9 or less
Flight 2: 5.0 to 8.9
Flight 3: 9.0 to 15.0
Junior Division
High School Seniors and Younger playing in Flight 1 will be automatically added to the Junior Division. The winner each year will have their name engraved on the Bill Gowen Perpetual Trophy - Snohomish County Junior Champion.
Senior Division
Participants ages 55 years and older (must be 55 as of 5/27/23) will be automatically added to the Senior Division and the Open Division (Flight 1, 2 or 3) - Crystal & Prize Money will be awarded to the Champions.
Senior Championship Flight - Overall Low Gross from Flight 1; Players will compete from the same Tees as Flight 1.
Senior Handicap Flight - Overall Low Net from Flight 2 & 3: Players will compete from the same Tees as Flight 2 & 3.
Tee times for Rounds 1 and 2 will be posted on the website at www.snohomishcountyam.com on Tuesday, May 21. Monday’s Final Round Pairings will be determined by score and will be posted on the tournament website upon completion of Round 2 on Sunday. To help improve pace of play, each pairing group will consist of a maximum of (3) players for all three rounds.
Below is based on 120 participants
All Times are approximate and are subject to change.
Course Rotation
Saturday, May 25 at Mill Creek CC
Flight 1 - 7:00am to 10:00am
Flight 2 - 10:00am to 11:30am
Flight 3 - 11:30am to 1:00pm
Sunday, May 26 at Legion Memorial GC
Flight 1 - 8:30am to 11:30am
Flight 2 - 11:30am to 1:00pm
Flight 3 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Monday, May 27 at Everett G & CC
Flight 1 - 8:45am to 12:15pm
Flight 2 - 7:30am to 8:45am
Flight 3 - 6:30am to 7:30am
Tees Played
Flight 1
Rd. 1 - Mill Creek - Blue Tees
Rd. 2 - Legion Memorial - Blue Tees
Rd. 3 - Everett G & CC- Black Tees
Flight 2 & 3
Rd. 1 - Mill Creek - White Tees
Rd. 2 - Legion Memorial GC - White Tees
Rd. 3 - Everett G & CC - Blue Tees
The use of automotive carts or caddies during the Championship are Permitted. Cart fees must be paid to the Pro Shop of each Host Golf Course at the time of rental. Contestants who desire to reserve a cart must indicate so on the entry form. Caddies are allowed and must follow the same dress code as all players.
Practice Rounds
Practice rounds are not included in the entry fee and a Green Fee will apply.
Please note: practice rounds may be available on a very limited basis at Everett Golf & Country Club. Requests must be called in advanced with the Pro Shop - 425.259.1214. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE EGCC DRESS CODE.
Posting Scores
All rounds will be posted by the SCGA as a Competition Score.
Prize Money
Participant's winnings will be distributed evenly amongst the (3) Host Golf Clubs. The official results sheet will state where each participant's money have been credited.
Dress Code
All contestants and caddies must wear suitable golf attire. Suitable attire does not include cutoffs, short shorts, tank tops, jeans or denim of any kind or color, tee shirts, sweat pants or unkempt clothing of any kind.
Final Round at Everett G & CC: all participants and caddies must abide by the EGCC Dress Code Policy
Rules and Decisions
The Tournament Committee consists of the Golf Professional Staff at each Host Club and SCGA Tournament Director. The USGA Rules of Golf will govern all play including any Local Rules that are posted at each Club.
Distance Measuring Devices
Per the USGA Rules of Golf - Rule 4-3, players may obtain distance by using a Distance Measure Device (DMD).
Any DMD that measures other variables, like Slope, may be used but the Slope Feature MUST BE TURNED OFF.
If during a stipulated round, a player uses any feature, other than distance, (for example - gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc), the player is in breach of Rule 4-3a.
Pace of Play
For all (3) rounds each pairing group will consist of a maximum of 3 players.
This will help maintain a better pace by eliminating one player from each group.
Allotted Time - Maximum times to play will be determined for each day of the Championship. Maximum times to play each hole will be printed on each competitor’s scorecard, and competitors will be additionally advised of that day’s maximum time to play prior to starting. It is the group’s responsibility to finish each checkpoint within the times outlined on the scorecard or within position of the group directly in front of them. When a group falls behind – regardless of the reason – it must regain its position. Time for ball searches, rulings, and walking time between holes is included in the allotted time.
USGA Rule 5.6 - Undue Delay; Slow Play states: "The player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidlines that the Committee may establish. Between completion of a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play."
Cancellation Policy
Refunds due to cancellation on or before May 20, 2024 are subject to a $10 administration fee.
No refunds will be issued on or after May 21, 2024 unless the vacancy can be filled by another participant.
Code of Conduct
Unacceptable conduct or behavior on the golf course or anywhere on club property will not be tolerated and are grounds for disqualification. Entrants who unofficially withdraw, no notice to the Committee, during the tournament may not be granted entry into next year's Championship.
The Committee reserves the right to alter any of the conditions and schedules herein. The Committee reserves the right to reject the entry of any applicant, at any time, for any reason. Any decision by the Committee, in any matter, shall be final.